In 2018, Petra Borgmann Durrie participated in the first Movalogue event. Since 2019, she has been active as an organizer.
Her curiosity and creativity drives her: To explore body, thoughts, emotions, beliefs and collective elements with the multi-faceted exercises of Social Presencing Theater.
She values the co-creative work with the Movalogue members (firekeepers) spread across the globe. She facilitates or co-facilitates Movalogue events. And in visualizations/scribings, she mirrors parts of the system to participants – using image and word representations.
Besides Movalogue she is active as a designer with a focus on visualizations and co-creative visualizations for organizations. She is idea generator and sparring partner in developing workshops. And as a personal coach she accompanies people in their professional and personal development.
- firekeeperPart of the permanent team to cultivate Movalogue
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