visual by Geisa Paganini de Mio
We are getting closer to our annual hybrid Movalogue gathering, which will take place August 26-28. Activities are becoming more practical and we are happy to see specific in-person events already emerging in Austria and Germany. Like in the years before there are various ways to participate in the co-creation of the event:
(team-)host a local in-person event
(team-)host a set of online sessions
facilitate an online practice during a global Open Space session on day 2
support in other ways i.e. as a visual facilitator, techhost, translator, sponsor, ...
gift the event with your embodied presence
For those who are interested to become an active part of the co-creation we put a simple little form online where you can leave your interest and offering.
Your information will help us to then follow up with you regarding details and further support you might need. The Movalogue team will be glad to support your initiative.
As a conscious reader of the Movalogue blog you might have noticed what has been emerging in our monthly Open Movalogue calls. In January we began to cultivate the field for Movalogue 2022. From the exploration of our inner and outer spaces (in February), we felt the need to dance with the “Blue” (in March), and to make space for the integration of silence and movement (in April). During May´s meeting, Tania guided us through a beautiful dance with the elements of nature that live within us. Last Tuesday in our June call we flowed into a generative dance, in which we explored the qualities of our inner and the surrounding space and experienced an integration of sadness and light through our hearts.
At the end of our call we further sensed into what intention and motto is coming up for the Movalogue 2022.

Beside the visual of Geisa, which you see in the mail header, Denise offered what she caught in a beautiful visual video scribing.
video by Denise Sob o Sol
Due to time constraints we couldn't finish our sensing session and the idea emerged to have an additional zoom call to shape the Movalogue 2022 motto as a foundation to create this year's invitation.
This motto shaping call will take place next week on
Tuesday June 28, at 4pm CET/ 10am EST.
Please feel heartily invited to join this special motto dance. We will use the same link as in our monthly Open Movalogue calls, which will happen every third Tuesday a month. To receive the zoom information follow the below button.
Looking forward to further co-cultivating a social field of heart with you.
Your Movalogue Firekeepers
with great gratitude for all the beautiful people joining and co-creating such a diverse field of emergence