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exploring roots


Field of Being 2017

Preparing The Soil

Every being is rooted in a past, which is the soil, the compost it flourished from. The nourishing soil for Movalogue matured during the 3rd cohort of Arawana Hayashi's SPT Advanced Program in Sky Lake, New York. In this course the embodied practices of Social Presencing Theater were invited to meet visual art practices. Beth Mouth co-created this process and later joined a little sub group called 'Nature, Art and Healing'. A notable project of this small group of six (Beth Mouth, Jennifer Cheng, Johanna Gall, Lynda Sing, Manuela Bosch, Dirk Bräuninger) was the conduction of a "Field of Being" in Central Park, NYC. Thus the SPT exercise 'Village' became part of the public space.

Movalogue 2018

Sensing Presencing Crystallizing

In 2018 Vasco Gaspar, Katharina Longariva, Johanna Gall, Dirk Bräuninger - all met in cohort 3 of the Advanced SPT program held by Arawana Hayashi - and Bob Feldmann (who invented the name Movalogue), organized the first Social Presencing Theater meeting for practitioners of SPT in Germany. Their goal was to deepen SPT practice in an inspiring place  and to deepen understanding of the different techniques and their possibilities. But also to strengthen the mutual exchange of thoughts and connection between SPT users and their networks.

 â€‹This first meeting from May 18 to 21, 2018, took place at the beautiful campus of Alanus Werkhaus in Alfter, Germany, which is known for its humanistic and innovative approaches to education. A place for art in the middle of nature. 24 participants from 6 countries took part. The three days in May were intense and full of new impressions and discoveries about the next individual and collective journeys, ideas and steps to be taken. The artist Sasa Nehus accompanied the gathering and created an artwork that reflected the activities. It was cut into pieces at the end and each participant could take a section of the whole as a memento.

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more at Movalogue 2018 documentation


Hosts: Vasco Gaspar (Portugal), Katharina Longariva (Italy), Johanna Gall (Austria), Bob Feldmann (Germany/Sri Lanka), Jennifer Cheng (Taiwan), Dirk Bräuninger (Germany)

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​Movalogue 2019

With Curiosity, Compassion and Courage


more at Movalogue 2019 documentation

A special honor belongs to Anne Wollrath, who created a marvelous video about the gathering.

Hosts: Rita Venturini (Portugal), Katharina Longariva (Italy), Johanna Gall (Austria), Peter Hoffmann (Austria), Agathe Pelterau Villeneuve (France), Dheera Petra Bauer (Germany), Sebastian Jung (Germany/Latam), Dirk Bräuninger (Germany)

In 2019, the second Movalogue, a European SPT community lab, took place at Quinta Ten Chi in Sintra, Portugal from September 26 to 29. A group of 30 practitioners from 7 countries joined energies to shape, facilitate and participate in the event. Drawing daily from curiosity, compassion and courage, they practiced together, exchanged experiences, and explored new ways to apply SPT. They infused a daily Samu, a practice known from Zen Buddhism, where participants did community work in concentration and silence – one step at a time. To become aware of all senses. In the kitchen, the colors of the vegetables, the sizzling oil in the pan and the aromas in the air.


On the second evening, around 20 practitioners from all over the planet joined online for an inspiring Global Village Practice for Earth’s Body. At the end of the 3rd day, friends, locals and neighbors joined for an SPT taster (20’ Dance and Village) and a community dinner. On the last morning, the group sensed with a 4D Mapping into the stuck and actionable areas of an NGO project around sustainable fishing and tourism on a small Portuguese island.

​Movalogue 2020

Go with What You Love

From 2020 onwards, throughout the year, a group of former participants and other interested people - now called the fire keepers - started to meet in monthly Open Movalogue Calls to keep the fire burning between the annual events and jointly sense into the emerging intention and co-create the yearly Movalogue motto. From September 28 to 30,  2020, more than 295 people from 30 countries registered for the offline and online program.

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Firekeepers: Johanna Gall (Austria), Petra Borgmann Durrie (Germany), Patricia Sogayar (Brasil), Lakshminarayanan (India), Jennifer Cheng (Taiwan), Dirk Bräuninger (Germany)


​More details and a video of Arawana about it can be found here Movalogue 2021 - Circles of Abundance

​Movalogue 2021

Dancing with the Earth

The 2021 motto ‘Dancing with the Earth’ intended to hold space for the light and shadow of being a human on this earth and to explore the question: 


How to cultivate communities that nourish the earth?


​During the 3-day Movalogue event from August 28 to 30, 2021, again people from Asia, Europe, South- and North America came together online and in person to connect, share and learn with each other, using their bodies as sensors and sources of natural wisdom. The online program was facilitated by co-hosts from different parts of the world.  It was the first time that the 3-day program was simultaneously available in multiple languages (English, Spanish, Portuguese and Mandarin) to enable us to connect in a Moving Dialogue. This offered the possibility of dialog between very diverse communities from Taipei city to indigenous people from South America.


​One of the highlights was an online global session on the second day, in which we used the Presencing Institute tool 4D mapping. It is an excellent method to make the current state of a system and its inherent potential visible. We experimented with the tool. How does it work online? Is it possible for participants to sense which representative is needed? And will they spontaneously choose a representative and be willing to embody it? We were surprised that it worked and how much insight into the system we gained from the global community. The weak points and blind spots became visible, and we could hear the voices. The shift toward change happened through a first revelation of unconditional love. 


​Firekeepers: Petra Borgmann Durrie (Germany), Patricia Scott (Argentina), Judy Voruz (USA), Lakshminarayanan (India), Denise Sobrinho (Brasil), Allie Middleton (USA), Jennifer Cheng (Taiwan), Dirk Bräuninger (Germany) 

​Movalogue 2022

Embracing The Unknown

Movalogue went on with being an hybrid global event with people meeting in person in various places and online in multiple sessions. In 2022 in-person gatherings happened in Sintra/Portugal, Sao Paulo/Brazil, New York/US, Alfter/Germany, Auray/France and Rabenstein/Austria. 


It became a beautiful and joyful celebration of movement and dialogue. Our hybrid three day long journey in late August occurred in a nurturing holding space based on the framework of Theory U (Co-Sensing, Presencing and Co-Creation). Together we dove into a revealing exploration of this year's motto: Embracing the Unknown. We shared simple and profound social arts practices based on SPT and scribing, which guided our exploration through the expanded awareness of embodied Presence.

We'd like to share with you some of the reflections and wisdom that emerged starting with golden nuggets of Arawana´s beautiful introduction into knowing and not knowing.

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more and a video of Arawana at Embracing the Unknown

Firekeepers: Petra Borgmann Durrie (Germany), Patricia Scott (Argentina), Judy Voruz (USA), Lakshminarayanan (India), Jennifer Cheng (Taiwan), Dirk Bräuninger (Germany), Viviana Galdames, (Columbia)

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