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Writer's pictureDirk Bräuninger

Movalogue 2021 - Circles of Abundance

Updated: Sep 11, 2021

This year's Movalogue 'Dancing with the Earth' invited a global community of practitioners of Social Presencing Theater to explore the question of 'How to create nourishing communities?' during a multi-day hybrid event. 100+ people from Asia to Europe and the Americas met online and in-person to connect, share and learn with each other using their bodies as a sensor and source of natural wisdom.

Day 1

The first day's motto 'see and be seen' opened a space to make the different elements of our global community visible and see each other. After a heart-connecting meditation led by Vasco Gaspar we jumped from East to West by continent and listened to the voices being present and their intentions to participate. This little journey ended by giving voice to the elders and finally to the youth, which was represented by Arawana Hayashi who entered our session at that moment by accident, and translated the youth essence that lives in all of us in our capacity of genuine goodness.

After connecting with the Earth with a joint 20-minute dance we stepped into little break-out rooms for sharing our experiences and deepening connection. Back in the plenum some of the essences where shared and we jointly sensed into the visual harvesting of Petra Borgmann Durrie.

But this wasn't the end of the day. Practitioners from Latin-America thereafter invited us to sense into the four elements and connect with the seven directions, feeling possible blockages by practicing the stuck exercise and sharing learnings with each other.


Day 2

Arawana Hayashi opened the session by offering a mindfulness awareness practice and invited us to a dance between movement and shape to synchronize mind and body and prepare the soil for natural caring and creativity.

Thereafter we softly moved towards the core part of that day, a 4D mapping about the question: How can we create communities that nourish the earth?

After Petra guided us into a prep exercise to open mind, heart and will and invited us into break out dialogs beyond words, Patricia Scott facilitated a 4D experiment to sense into the collective present field. In a preparing step she asked three different case givers from Asia, Europe and Latam to share their perspective about the above question to better shape the intention of the 4D mapping. Based on that a representative for the Earth was called to enter the screen, find a shape and say a sentence from the I voice. Thereafter it was up to the members in the field to represent any further roles they felt called to step up for. Finally 18 different roles became part of the 4D mapping. Before moving from sculpture 1 (current situation) into sculpture 2 (possible future situation) every role was asked to describe their relationship to the earth in a concise phrase. After a few minutes of collective movements in front of a global community of citizens, all roles were asked to share another sentence from their future perspective. The mapping was then closed by listening to the stakeholders and what they noticed and giving voice to the perception of the citizens. The following video is a creative and concise summary of the whole process created by Denise Cunha Sobrinho followed by two visuals of Geisa Paganini de Mio, which beautifully caught the essence of this experimental mapping ritual from different perspectives.

A script with all phases and the perspectives of the three case givers can be found here:

After this deep and transformative 4D ritual Juan Marcos Aguirre and the Latam group invited the Movalogue community to continue the journey in a 2h Village of Dreams to reveal messages from our collective soul. There we could tap into the collective unconscious Field through sharing our dreams, weaving them, sensing the patterns behind and getting some messages from the field.


Day 3

The last day of a Movalogue traditionally is about creative harvesting, collecting the golden nuggets and honoring celebration. The session started with some grounding and a MA by Viviana Galdames and an indigenous water ritual held by Tânia Avila Meneses. Energized by the universal power of water ('we are all water') we tuned into our collective harvesting. There Daniela Ferraz opened the field, inviting all for a harvesting based in social art. We started by listening to a retrospective by Patrícia Sogayar about what happened during the three days. Thereafter Lucas Abelama led us into expressing through art the 4 elements and what was present in our hearts, breathing, drawing and guiding us in a personal journaling on some guiding questions. Larissa Barros continued the journey facilitating us to translate the experience into little haiku poems and an embodiment practice, warming up for the final celebration!

Reflecting our beginning, the Movalogue 2021 ended with a journey through the music of different countries and continents presented by our new DJ hero Lakminaranyan. A heartwarming and unifying festival came to an end, but the loving energy that was generated in these 3 days continues to reverberate in different parts of the globe!

Beside the global online program a lot of heartful creativity emerged within the local in-person groups, which reported that they felt deeply connected to the global field during their days and wondered about many synchronicities.

Being in nature - A journey with the HeArt Video harvesting from Quinta Ten Chi, Portugal by Anna Maggi

Movalogue in a nutshell Last day impression from Alfter, Germany by Lisa Glahn

Further documentation can be found on our event's Miro board


If you feel attracted or called to stay connected and become part of the global Movalogue community you are invited to participate in our monthly Movalogue Open Calls, which take place every third Tuesday of the month.


Many thanks to this year's incredible Movalogue team. Without their continuous dedication and initiative such an event couldn't become reality.

Organizing core team: Viviana Galdames, Patricia Sogayar, Johanna Gall, Petra Borgmann Durrie, Dirk Bräuninger, Lakshminarayanan, Judy Voruz

Hosting: Dirk, Petra, Viviana, Daniela Ferraz, Laura Pastorini

Facilitating: Vasco Gaspar, Dirk, Patricia Scott, Claudia Siles, Frida Luz, Sonia Mora, Awarana Hayashi, Juan Marcos Aguirre, Viviana, Tânia Avila Meneses, Daniela, Patricia Sogayar, Lucas Abelama, Larissa Barros Visual Scribing: Petra, Geisa Paganini de Mio, Denise Cunha Sobrinho, + many others Simultaneous translation: Portuguese: Ana Ruesche and Gabriella Vergara from Alumni Association, and Luiz Eduardo Alcântara from SPT Brazilian Community Spanish: Maga Meneses, Andrea F, and Debora Barrientos Tech Support: Lakshminarayanan

Miro Board: Julio Reyes

Zoom: Laura Pastorini

In-person & online groups:

Portugal: hosted by Rita Venturini

Germany: hosted by Dirk and Petra

Chile: hosted by Viviana

Austria: hosted by Johanna

Italy: hosted by Uri Noy Meir

Asia: hosted by Jennifer Cheng


Voices of the participants:

Hoy en Movalogue 2021 ha nacido el Corazón joven de la Tierra. La mirada fresca y abundante desde la que resonamos juntes. ¡Pura fertilidad!

Somos tierra. Somos corazón. Nuestros ojos se humedecen. Nuestros pies pisan firmes el barro de la vida. Una vida que nos importa; Queremos vivir… y queremos con amor que todos los seres vivamos.

InterSomos con la madre tierra. Nos habitamos. Somos la fuerza regeneradora de la Vida y la calidez amorosa que lo acoge todo.

Crecemos juntos a través del amor. Maduramos como frutos sabrosos en su propio tiempo. Gracias a la energía inmensa de la Tierra, a través de nuestras raices.

Nos hemos entregado a la Tierra. En cuerpo y corazón. Y lo hacemos simplemente viviendo juntes, resonando juntes, cuidándonos juntes.

Y así, hemos brotado juntes como frutos del corazón y gracias a nuestras raíces corporales en la tierra.

Tu eres la Madre Tierra, la fuerza infinita de regeneración y vida. Y nosotros somos la alegría inmensa del Amor. Y desde esta integridad Tierra y Amor, todo es posible y todo emerge desde la suavidad y lo femenino.

Es hermoso ver como la Tierra expande la energía del corazón. La naturaleza sostiene y apoya nuestra generosidad. Dentro del útero de la tierra bailamos juntes, creamos juntes.

Abundancia expansiva. Natural. Fácil. Desde la alegría de vivir en la tribu. Una nueva forma de tribu en la Tierra.

Hoy hemos sentido como estábamos evolucionando juntes a medida que resonabamos con lo que esta naciendo. Nos hacemos visibles y lo sutil se hace visible en nosotros.

Podemos vernos, como otros yoes. Hay complicidad, confianza y entrega a algo más grande que los pequeños miedos individuales.

No estamos solos. Somos juntes. Amamos juntes. Descubrimos juntes. Nos habitamos juntes. Y disfrutemos de seguir caminando como este Corazón joven de la Tierra que esta emergiendo en nosotros.

​Today in Movalogue 2021 the Young Heart of the Earth is born. The fresh and abundant look from which we resonate together. Pure fertility!

We are earth. We are heart. Our eyes moisten. Our feet tread firmly in the mud of life. A life that matters to us; We want to live... and we lovingly want all beings to live.

We interWe are with mother earth. We inhabit ourselves. We are the regenerating force of Life and the loving warmth that welcomes all.

We grow together through love. We ripen as tasty fruits in their own time. Thanks to the immense energy of the Earth, through our roots.

We have given ourselves to the Earth. In body and heart. And we do it simply by living together, resonating together, caring together.

And so, we have sprouted together as fruits of the heart and thanks to our bodily roots in the earth.

You are Mother Earth, the infinite force of regeneration and life. And we are the immense joy of Love. And from this integrity Earth and Love, everything is possible and everything emerges from the softness and the feminine.

It is beautiful to see how the Earth expands the energy of the heart. Nature sustains and supports our generosity. Within the womb of the earth we dance together, we create together.

Expansive abundance. Natural. Easy. From the joy of living in the tribe. A new form of tribe on Earth.

Today we felt how we were evolving together as we resonated with what is being born. We become visible and the subtle becomes visible in us.

We can see ourselves, as other selves. There is complicity, trust and surrender to something bigger than small individual fears.

We are not alone. We are together. We love together. We discover together. We inhabit together. And let us enjoy continuing to walk as this young Heart of the Earth is emerging in us.

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