Another exiting year - challenging and nourishing at the same time - is coming to its end and we welcome you to step in, to join us in our final Movalogue open call of 2022.
In service to the recognition of our love of deep and moving connectivity, we would like to close this year's cycle by coming home to a moment of being contained by each others’ presence in silence, simplicity and belonging while further waving connections and dancing with emergence.
Allie Middleton's words beautifully reflect the quality of space we are inviting into.

Love's bold container
In service to connections
love's bold and fluid container
creates a family of such potential
landing amidst the portals
anchoring golden threads
releasing our warmth
as hearts listen
Filled with sweet
morsels of loving kindness
Trust and humor emerge
and gales of laughter
broadcast a new appreciation
Order and disorder
shape a new aliveness
As space for spirit is redeemed.
You are very welcome to join on Tuesday, November 15 at 4pm CET/ 10 am EST/ 7 am PST/ 11 pm CST/ 8:30 pm IST. To receive the zoom link please press below button and register.
Looking forward to co-sensing and co-creating with you!
Your Movalogue Firekeepers
