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Poetry from Our Hearts

Writer's picture: Jennifer ChengJennifer Cheng

Visual created by Petra Borgmann Durrie

Dear Movalogue friends,

In the December Open Movalogue call, we gathered to celebrate, reflect, and tune into the pulse of our hearts from moment to moment. The flickering candles and the scent of cinnamon apple signaled a shift in seasons and a moment of pausing the mind.

Landed in the curiosity of listening and the willingness to be part of this global space we expressed a warm welcome home, marked by full presence, surpassed personal anxiety and resistance, as mentioned during the check-in. We are collectively facing big shifts, from politics, environment and technology, which might create intense and overwhelming emotions.

Reflecting in stillness and presence, we honored the completion of another year. Through poetry, our hearts convey the beauty of the ever-changing essence of being.

Starting in stillness, we then stepped into Duets in breakout rooms, reflecting on “What do I want to celebrate with my partner in this duet?”. Through movements, we celebrated and honored the past year. The poetry that emerged from this communal experience reflected the diverse experiences and feelings.

During the closing, the reading of poetry in 7 languages touched the hearts and resonated the oneness of a social body and the full potentials of humanity is awakening.







Blowing fresh vibrations.

It waved our subtle body (dimension).

The dynamism (vitality) impressed me.

So, (let's) close to the hills, close to the rivers, close to the mountains.

And we will be close to the sun and moon in the near future.

Chie, Japan


I see flight - tentative at first - then reaching out to bring in to the heart

I feel freedom of movement spontaneously outreaching in a dance of softness

giving and receiving awareness of self in relationship

Beauty in flight and grounded in silence

I see generous movement of expressions of caring and love and beauty

I feel growing connectedness to heart

I sense pulling together in harmonious relationship

David, USA


Bedenin hareketinde ruhun sükuneti gizli. Ellerin sihrinde yaşamın enerjisi. Dengenin özü tezatlıkların bütünlüğünde. Varlığın özü bireyin güzelliğinde saklı.

The serenity of the soul is hidden in the movement of the body. The energy of life is in the magic of the hands. The essence of balance is in the integrity of contradictions. The essence of existence is hidden in the beauty of the individual.

Doruk, Turkey


清 晰 的 輪 廓 , 一 陣 風 的 流 動 。 清 朗 的 笑 聲 。 歡 喜 悲 悲 傷 都 牽 手 在 心 裡 。 當 下 發 生 留 過、吹 過 。

Clear contours in the flow of the true wind, clear laughter, joy and sorrow are kept in the heart, what happens in the present remains, blows away.

Jennifer, Taiwan


Beauty creating grace. Threads of energy weaving themselves through space, giving presence a place to rest.

Judy, US


A descoberta do amor próprio na beleza do movimento do outro em harmonia comigo mesmo, a sentir-me acolhida e na partilha, vista e a ver, amada, com vontade de sorrir e brincar. Eu sou isto, ato de prazer a dois. Quase que o toque existe contigo, mesmo longe. Como é possível esse teu olhar em mim? Tão bom quero mais. E liberto-me das amarras e voo para longe, bem longe.

Beauty creating grace. Threads of energy weaving themselves through space, giving presence a place to rest.

The discovery of self-love in the beauty of the other’s movement in harmony with myself, feeling welcomed in the sharing, seen and seeing the Beloved, with the desire to smile and play. I am this, an act of pleasure for two. Almost the touch exists with you, even far away. How is it possible that your gaze is on me like this? So good, I want more. And I free myself from the bonds. And I go far away, very far away.

Maria, Portugal


Silence unbroken, Holds me like a mother a child, Eternal light.

An empty bowl. Container everything .Outpouring with no end

Max, Germany


Finger gleiten durchs Haar immer zu. Zögerlich, neugierig, verspielt und die verrutschte Brille lässt neue Blicke zu. Flieg, Vogel, flieg. Mach dich frei und erkunde.

Das Akku mag halten oder nicht, ganz egal. Der Wind in den Flügeln erinnert mich gar zärtlich.

Fingers glide through the hair, always too hesitantly, curious, playful, and the slipped glasses allow new perspectives. Fly, bird, fly. Free yourself and explore.

The battery may hold or not, it doesn't matter. The wind in the wings reminds me so tenderly.

Nicole, Germany


There you are, a true being. Each moment a gift to celebrate life and connection.

Soft movement going out. Coming back home to me being with earth and space.

Petra, Germany


Sulavuus ja liikkeen kepeys, valon pirskeet. Olen läsnä ja levollinen. Rakastava.

Me jaamme tämän tilan yhdessä, yhteydessä toisiimme. Ilolla.

Smoothness and lightness of movement, sparks of light. I am present and peaceful. Loving. We share this space together in connection with each other. With joy.

Lempeys ja kulmikkuus asuvat samassa kehossa, liikkeessä, jotka toisiinsa sulautuvat. Avoimena valolle, elämälle. Antaudun.

Tenderness and angularity live in the same body, in motion merging with each other.

Open to the light, to life. I surrender.

Venla, Finnland


What makes the Open Movalogue Calls so special:

  • Global connection: Participants from different countries and cultures come together to experience the beauty of the present moment.

  • Power of silence: In silence we find inner peace and open ourselves to new perceptions.

  • Embodied wisdom: Social Presencing Theater enables us to deepen our body awareness and express ourselves nonverbally.

  • Creative expression: Writing, drawing and sharing in different languages ​​allows us to experience the diversity of the human experience.

Curious? Join the next Open Movalogue Call on January 21st , at 10am EST / 4pm CEST / 11pm Singapore.

We warmly welcome everyone to be a part of Movalogue's Social Body. Feel free to share this invitation widely!

With open hearts and boundless gratitude,

Movalogue Firekeepers

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Thank you for this beautiful gathering together of our collective sharing. I feel such gratitude in my heart for all of you.


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