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Writer's pictureDirk Bräuninger

From Silence To Movement

visual by Geisa Paganini de Mio

In our fourth Open Movalogue Call of 2022, we continued our co-sensing journey into the BLUE that had shown up in our March session. In an initial check-in in break-out's we invited the unknown to become visible in 3 simple steps:

  1. co-sensing in stillness - presencing

  2. letting movement emerge - dancing

  3. verbal harvesting - weaving

This starting made us tap into a rich and joyful field of emergence, in which nature from ocean to desert inspired movement. We shared that safety and trust are the solid foundation to let the unknown show up and make the invisible visible. Below video of Denise caught that precious moment.

video by Denise Sob o Sol

Our meeting ended in a sharing and harvesting of little three-line poems which were inspired by a collective virtual dance from far to close. (see at the end of this post)

If you feel inspired to join:

Our next Open Movalogue Call will take place on May 17 at 4 PM CET. It is intended to step into the process of specific co-creation of events for the time of Movalogue (August 26-28) and hold space to initiate creative nests of connection and activity.

Looking forward to dancing with you.

Your Movalogue Firekeepers

with great gratitude for all the beautiful people joining and co-creating such a diverse field of emergence

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