The count down is running. Just a few hours to go and the Movalogue 2020 will open its doors.
We are positively overwhelmed by more than 225 people from about 25 countries registering to this years offline and online program. Portugal, Austria and a 4D-Mapping online program will already start their program today. Other places will follow from tomorrow. Here you can access the Preview of the Global program (still growing).
And the good news is: If you are curious about this year's motto
Go With What You Love
and interested to join in the Global Online sessions, which will take place 2-3 hours per day from Friday, 28 to Sunday, 30 you still have the chance to participate.
Please register to join the zoom calls by filling a little form. You will then receive the zoom access data.
We are very much looking forward to meeting you!
Dirk, Rita, Katherina, Dheera, Sebastian, Johanna, Rie

A poster of the Movalogue, Brazil.