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Writer's pictureDirk Bräuninger

Movalogue 2022 - Last call to join

Updated: Aug 26, 2022

visual by Geisa Paganini De Mio

Movalogue 2022 is knocking at your door and window.

Just 3 days to go and we are happy to announce that the online program emerged in its final shape while being overwhelmed and excited about the richness of this year's contribution. Beside the Global Online program (see below in blue) you'll find various guest sessions to join within the Movalogue days.

  • Social Presencing Theater Introduction (english) Jennifer Cheng will explore with you how the wisdom of the body can inspire us for a next step in a situation we feel stuck.

  • North American SPT Happy Hour - Mimosas and Movement (english) Rie Algeo Gilsdorf and Shannon Stoll Rabas invite to a virtual mimosa with fellow SPT practitioners to move and explore what it means to be an SPT practitioner in North America.

  • Dançando com a Morte (portuguese) Perhaps the greatest unknown that fascinates and overwhelms us is death. Talita Miranda guide into a creative sensing into underlying concepts and fears.

  • Corpo~Chao~Territorio (portuguese) Bueno will hold space for a subjective, social and political research about the way we see ourselves and how we are seen in the territories.

  • Village of Dreams/Aldea de los Sueños (english, spanish) Juan Marcos Aguirre will offer a listening space to connect with the deeper aspects of our collective body and soul.

  • What's behind money? (english) Yasmin Leite invites to observe different layers that are behind the topic of money.

  • BaMa Maps ~ Inbodied Dreaming (english, italian, hebrew) Debora Barrientos and Uri Yitzchak Noy Meir invite to share dreams and intentions towards the creation of a new platform and app for researching and cultivating well-being through embodied practices in and with nature.

Below time table shows all online sessions at a glance.

What can you do now?

  1. You love to participate in a local in-person Movalogue and didn't register yet? Visit the Movalogue places webpage and have a look whether there is a local Movalogue in your area and get in contact or register. Currently you are able to participate in Portugal, Austria, Germany, France, Brazil and in the US.

  2. You love to participate in the Global Online Program or in the guest sessions? Visit the Movalogue online webpage and register according to your preferred language (english, spanish, portuguese). Please note that you need to register to the Global Online program to sign-in and get access to the guest sessions.

We are very much looking forward to meeting you!

With love,

Your Movalogue Firekeeper Team


Please feel heartily invited to join our monthly Open Movalogue calls, which will happen every third Tuesday a month. To receive the zoom information follow the below button.

Looking forward to further co-cultivating a social field of heart with you.

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