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Writer's pictureDirk Bräuninger

What are we committed to?

In our February call we welcomed some new faces and took a good portion of time to check-in and explore what attracts us further to join Movalogue online sessions after the core time of the pandemic ended. It was expressed that we love the possibility to connect and share experiences on an international level. Especially in times of global challenges, sharing perspectives on a global level and connecting them to our local day-to-day activities is important to many of us. After creating rapport between each other we stepped into an adapted version of the SPT duet in which we alternated between movement (eyes closed) and witnessing (eyes open) in silent breakout rooms ending with letting little poems emerge in a personal journaling.

We ended our joyful and loving place with a closing gesture co-creating a collective sculpture in presence. Petra again beautifully caught the essence of our meeting with a visual scribing.

In our March call we are further sensing into what is emerging out of our collective social field. While preparing this call we tapped into 2 areas of exploration.

  • What is it that we are committed to?

  • How can we further nourish social fields of local connection in regions Asia, Europe, Latin America and North America?

Especially in North America some beautiful new seeds are on its way to flourish. More to share during our next Open Movalogue call, which will on Tuesday, March 21 at 4pm CET/ 11 am EST/ 11 pm CST/ 8:30 pm IST. To receive the zoom link please press below button and register.

Looking forward to co-sensing and co-creating with you!

Your Movalogue Firekeepers

Please note: To more easily manage this series of calls we created an event page at:

We recommend to leave your email there (if you haven't already) to:

  • see all events in your specific time zone (including daylight saving shifts)

  • receive email reminders with the zoom link right into your mailbox

  • easily add single events or the whole series to your digital calendar

  • stay updated about any changes

  • access an easy way to share your feedback

  • and make it a bit easier for us to manage invitations, participation and follow-up.


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