Visual created by Petra Borgmann Durrie
Dear Movalogue friends,
Our Movalogue meeting on January 21, 2025 inspired us to embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance–a journey where we learn to love ourselves unconditionally. Cultivating self-love, as well as love for others and life on earth, allows us to build resilience and face adversity. It provides the strength to confront challenges and to embrace our true selves without fear or shame. Highlighting the collective journey towards understanding our humanity and embracing our authentic selves.
Who feels we are in a big shift?
A Movalogue gathering is not pre-planned or rigidly structured. It's a muscle we've honed over the years as Movalogue firekeepers: the ability to listen deeply and sense into the present moment. What needs to be heard? What needs to be seen?
As the participants arrived, my attention was immediately drawn to a book in the left corner of one participant, who had joined us from Turkey. I asked her about it, and with a spark of joy, she shared that it was a heartfelt project— a story about a girl learning to listen to her true self. It was a picture book that she had co-created with AI, which had just been published.
This moment of sharing opened the space for others to reflect on their own transformations and what truly mattered to them 2025. Everyone spoke about the things they had recently created and brought into the world. The common thread was the courage to finally speak up in their authentic voice.
We began with three questions:
Who feels we are in a big shift?
What does it look like?
How do you experience it in your own body?
During the guided meditation that followed—spoken intuitively by me—I envisioned a heart resting at the bottom of a container. The heart then moved out and around the container, guiding the energy of the upcoming exchange.
After the meditation, each participant shared a word. These words wrote on the right side of the scribing ("scribing": a live drawing that captures the essence of the moment).
Connected to earth. Trust, faith, courage, core, heart. Grounded with life, renewed, back in the space of safety, peace, comfort, internality.
These words are written in blue on a golden yellow background, symbolizing our inner wisdom, beauty, and joy—qualities that emerge when we are fully present in the moment.
“The gold of knowing is already in the soil and takes listening… Practice the listening to mine the gold of what we have, to make it more accessible.” Otto Scharmer
Letting Go of the Past
As we shared our personal shifts "coming out of the silence." was a one of them. Years spent listening and giving were now giving way to the time for speaking up and being heard.
I shared my pain—the pain of having invested so much time, energy, and love into something that no longer serves me. The deep sorrow of realizing that some things can't be changed, and that acceptance is the only way forward. "Letting things be as they are" became my mantra. To be held in silence by the group—just as I am, in my imperfection—felt like a shower of love.
This vulnerability opened further space for reflection. A Rumi poem was shared, and we came to understand that vulnerability, rather than being a weakness, is a form of strength. It's an integral part of being human. But vulnerability is not where we stay. Self-compassion is key to breaking free from the chains of our past and embracing a future we can actively create—one that opens the door to new experiences.
In the scribing, all these elements were captured:Constant change, complexity, chaos, uncertainty—this is life.It can feel overwhelming at times, but it is also beautiful.
Passion, Beauty, Creativity
To evolve, to remember our inherent power, and to show up in our uniqueness and creativity is vital. When we stand in our true selves, we attract those who resonate with us.
On the left side of the scribing is a central question: What makes us human? The image of many interconnected hearts, outlined with dots and in constant motion, I drew alongside energy lines and a central eye. Above the eye, the words “I AM”.
A week after our gathering, our starting question Who feels we are in a big shift?
weighs more heavily on me. The speed with which misguided leadership can turn a democracy into an authoritarian regime has become painfully clear.
Fear is not be the best advisor. Our true source of strength lies in our willingness to embrace love and action. In our meetings we strengthen our connection to ourselves and inspire each other to follow our true path.
As Prof. Dr. Edith Eger, a Holocaust survivor, once said:"Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have."
What makes the Open Movalogue Calls so special:
Global connection: Participants from different countries and cultures come together to experience the beauty of the present moment.
Power of silence: In silence we find inner peace and open ourselves to new perceptions.
Embodied wisdom: Social Presencing Theater enables us to deepen our body awareness and express ourselves nonverbally.
Creative expression: Writing, drawing and sharing in different languages allows us to experience the diversity of the human experience.
Curious? Join the next Open Movalogue Call on February 18st , at 10am EST / 4pm CEST / 11pm Singapore.
We warmly welcome everyone to be a part of Movalogue's Social Body. Feel free to share this invitation widely!
With open hearts and boundless gratitude,
Movalogue Firekeepers
