During our recent firekeeper meeting, we sensed a collective shift in our energy as facilitators of the Movalogue space. There's a palpable fatigue from prolonged online engagement, coupled with a yearning for more localized and hands-on interactions. Amidst this fatigue, there's also a sense of anticipation - a feeling that a cycle is drawing to a close, making way for something new to emerge.
In this moment of introspection and possibility, we're inviting all those who carry the spark of Movalogue in their hearts to join us in our next Open Call. Together, we aim to co-create a space for sensing and exploring what lies in front of us. We'll delve into questions such as:
What does Movalogue have the potential to add to your life?
What longings within you are seeking expression through Movalogue?
Through this collaborative inquiry, we hope to unearth fresh insights and collective wisdom that will shape the next phase of our journey together.
To offer a glimpse into the spirit of our discussions, Denise has crafted a short video scribing that captures the essence of our firekeeper session and the themes that emerged.
We'd love to listen to more voices from the field and explore above questions in our upcoming February Open Movalogue Call with you.
Come and join us on on Tuesday, 20th of February at 10am EST / 4pm CEST.
Everyone is welcome to be a part of Movalogue´s global family, so feel free to share this invitation!
With love & appreciation,
Movalogue Firekeepers