Warm invitation
This year's Movalogue is coming closer while the pandemic still confronts us with a roller coaster of emotions. We experienced the pain & grief of loss and limitation and probably at the same time the joy of focusing on simple things while being forced to slow down.
During the last month we deepened connection online and prototyped new ways to interact in a virtual world. Interesting new formats arised and digital global interaction received a big boost these days. Beside this virtual flourishing in many of us the longing to be part of a social body in the same physical space became stronger. After many months of restriction and even depression there is a need to come together, share and enjoy life.
This year’s motto ‘Dancing with the Earth’ is intended to hold space for this longing and become a festival to make the light and shadow of being a human on this earth visible.
Dancing with the Earth
Social Presencing Theater Movalogue* 2021
from August 26 - 29 in various places
Since its birth in 2018, participatory co-creation and openness has become an essential part of Movalogue's DNA. The level of trust that the ‘right’ things will happen in the present moment grew year by year. The letting go of any predefined agenda and creating a MA for letting emerge out of a collective presence became an specific quality of the yearly gathering and its monthly Open Movalogue Calls.
Based on that we would like to invite you on June 20 at 3 PM CET/ 9 am EST to a global 3 hour “Movalogue Crystallizing” session to connect and sense into what our current longings and gifts as embodied humans on this planet are. The event will be broadcasted via zoom from Quinta Ten Chi, one of Movalogue ‘power places’, but is open for global participation.
If you feel attracted to participate or even take an active role to host a local event or facilitate an online session during this years Movalogue become a vital part of the crystallization process and register.
Although it is a call for co-creation, which asks for your active involvement, we would appreciate it if you could support the preparation work at Quinta Ten Chi with your donation. Especially after months of not being able to invite to this beautiful and inspirational space your financial backing is highly welcomed. You can donate whatever you feel comfortable with to help Rita and Paul to further flourish this beautiful space.
In case you would like to sense a bit into what the Movalogue is about or just love to reminisce you are invited to watch what the digital memory kept during the last 3 years:
We are very much looking forward to meeting you!
Rita & Dirk, today representing the Movalogue team